
4861 27th St West
Bradenton, FL 342007

(941) 755-0800

Bradenton's Premier Physicians for
Children and Adolescents

Bradenton's Premier Physicians for Children and Adolescents

Treat Your Child's Cold & Flu Video from

This recently released video is produced by the American Academy of Pediatrics and offers excellent guidance for treating your child's "cold" or "flu."

Click Here to View

New ADA and AAP Recommendations for Fluoridated Toothpaste

mom baby brushing teeth hc ht

The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics now recommend use of fluoridated toothpaste for children as soon as the first tooth has erupted.  For children under the age of three, a small "smear" of toothpaste no larger than a grain of rice should be applied to the toothbrush.  For children three years and older, apply a pea-sized amount.  

Click Here for Article